City of Windsor Heights
Recent News About City of Windsor Heights
Yard Waste & Compost
The 2021 Compost It! season runs weekly on Fridays from April 9th through November 27th.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Proposed Aldi Project
The Council approved the TIF rebate request at the 10/18 City Council meeting.
Tiny Tree Giveaway
The City of Windsor Heights is partnering with the DNR and Keep Windsor Heights Beautiful to provide free trees and shrubs to residents.
Movies in the Park
Movies in the Park is back for 2021! The movies are free to watch and will be shown in Colby Park at 6900 School Street at dusk on the dates below.
9/17/21 Road Construction Update
University Ave from 63rd ST - 69th ST will close Wednesday, September 22nd for pavement patching and joint repair work.
University Avenue Closure – 63rd ST to 69th ST
University Avenue from 63rd Street to 69th Street will close Wednesday, September 22nd for pavement patching and joint repair work.
City of Windsor Heights City Council Meeting on September 20
City of Windsor Heights City Council Meeting on September 20
Wells Fargo employee Amanda Mcguire contributes a total of $305 to President Joe Biden
Wells Fargo employee Amanda Mcguire has contributed a total of $305 to President Joe Biden
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth contributes a total of $350 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth has contributed a total of $350 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth contributes a total of $1,062 to President Joe Biden
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth has contributed a total of $1,062 to President Joe Biden
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth contributes a total of $475 to Democratic Party candidate Pete Buttigieg
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth has contributed a total of $475 to Democratic Party candidate Pete Buttigieg
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth contributes a total of $200 to Democratic Party candidate Kamala D. Harris
UnityPoint Health employee Matthew Abendroth has contributed a total of $200 to Democratic Party candidate Kamala D. Harris
HHS provides $34,998 to businesses in Windsor Heights under CARES Act
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, businesses in Windsor Heights received $34,998 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
State of Iowa employee Sean Fitzsimmons contributes a total of $500 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
State of Iowa employee Sean Fitzsimmons has contributed a total of $500 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
State of Iowa employee Sean Fitzsimmons contributes a total of $500 to President Joe Biden
State of Iowa employee Sean Fitzsimmons has contributed a total of $500 to President Joe Biden
State of Iowa employee Mike Jones contributes a total of $525 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
State of Iowa employee Mike Jones has contributed a total of $525 to Democratic Party candidate Theresa Greenfield
Census Bureau: 75.1 percent of people in Polk County were old enough to vote in 2020
Of the 485,418 citizens living in Polk County in 2020, 364,708 were old enough to vote as of March 24, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Census Bureau: 3.6% of people in Polk County identified as multi-racial in 2020
Of the 485,418 citizens living in Polk County in 2020, 96.4 percent said they were only one race, while 3.6 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in March.
What committees spent the most during the week ending Jan. 2
Jennifer Konfrst for Iowa spent $1,000 during the week ending Jan. 2.
Rita Carter from Windsor Heights contributes $100 to Sarah Trone Garriott`s campaign
Rita Carter from Windsor Heights donated a total of $100 to Democratic Party candidate Sarah Trone Garriott.